NEXEM offers more than 30+ years of combined experience in high-tech farming and state-of-the-art grow system design.

Our network includes:

Equity and Inclusion

Minorities for Medical Marijuana, Inc. (M4MM) is organized as a non profit organization with its corporate office based in Orlando Florida. The organization is structured as a 501c3 with a full Executive Team and Board of Directors who support the organization's overall goals and strategic direction. The organization was established in May 2016 and currently has 23 state chapter locations throughout the country. M4MM's mission is focused on providing advocacy, outreach, research, and training as it relates to the business, social reform, public policy, and health /wellness in the cannabis industry.

The JARVIZ Project is an online platform that provides financial education and research to our subscriber list of over 90,000 millennials and persons of color looking for finance education tools to achieve personal empowerment and financial freedom. We focus on what we call non-traditional investing. This includes: entrepreneurship, cryptocurrencies, cannabis, start-up creation, and investment in distressed real-estate, oil & gas fields, gold & silver mines and stock & options trading.


Charles Wu

Victor Arocho
VP of Sales

Matthew Poteraj
VP of Operations

Dr Lance McCarthy

Erik Range